A lot of marketers will tell you that in order to succeed with article marketing you need to submit articles to as many directories as possible. The only problem with that is it's a very time consuming process and you will need to write multiple unique articles right off the bat. On top of that, many article directories will not publish your content if it has already been published in another directory. This means that you will have to write a brand new article for each of those directories.
Click here to learn more about article marketing
I have learned that it can be just as effective to submit a new article every couple of days to 4 or 5 of the top directories. This way you are still creating a good amount of backlinks, but you are giving yourself more time to write quality articles. Plus, you are able to build a reputation within these directories and eventually establish yourself as an expert in your niche. This means that subscribers of that directory will actually start to look for new articles from you because they know that they can trust the information you are providing.
All of that leads to more views of your articles, which leads to more clicks through to your website, which obviously means more traffic. Remember, sometimes quality can take you much farther than quantity.
I like using Ezinearticles.com (the #1 article directory on Alexa), Articlepool.com, Goarticles.com, Affsphere.com, Rysite.com (automatically tweets your article on their Twitter page), Articlealley.com, and Infobarrel.com.
Check out my website for more information on backlink building and article marketing.
Check out this website. http://www.bookmarket.com/onlinearticles.htm. It lists all of the free article directories and their Alexa page ranks; plus a lot of great information about writing and promoting articles.
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